Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions in Investing! How do we Really Get it Done this time?

What's my new year resolution? What about yours? Well, for most we focus our resolutions on reducing our waist line that seemed to double in the past several days of eating and partying through the holiday celebrations. For some, their resolution will include having to spend more time for exercise. And so we would always find the gym filled up and people lining up in cue on their favorite exercise machines.

Give it a month or two and you will certainly see most people abandon their resolutions. Back to eating galore and the gym will also be back to the normal situation that there are more exercise equipment than users.

What is the number one reason for such a phenomenon? Well , as for me, the number one reason will be the lack of self drive which in practical terms is simply discipline.

Much like in Investing and Saving. You would often hear people say that they would start to save and invest come new year. "Just let this season of spending be over and we will talk about my saving and investment plans"...They do start, but do not persist in investing. And you know why? Same reason...DISCIPLINE.

This is why we need to make sure when we have our resolution , be it in our physical aspect, spiritual side, or financial life, we need to have a group that we can join to ensure we develop the habit, and self drive in achieving what we resolve to do. We need to be in a community of people with the same drive and aspirations so we can be inspired and inspire others as well to put to completion what we say we would do as our New Year's resolution.

God bless our plans and our resolutions!


Rich Benj said...

First secret: the #1 reason why people don’t succeed is that they don’t finish what they start....T-Harv Ecker...

IndayFel said...

Well said dahling...agree...