Investing in Stocks Equity is made easy nowadays through On-line transactions. Investments to the tune of 5000 Php or 25,000 Php as initial capital will now allow people to start up their investments. There are just a few more know how you need to develop. How to log in to the on-line brokers page and how key in to computer. You need to be at least computer literate. Secondly, you have to have the knowledge of what companies are good to buy. You do this by reading through the information the on-line broker provides. You can supplement your information by going through business sections of newspapers, or through internet or television news updates.
It is exciting and rewarding to do all the stocks investing and redeeming by yourself. However, this certainly requires a lot more time and effort. If you are newbie in investing, I strongly recommend you invest on something easier to manage. And this is by investing into mutual funds.
Investing into Mutual Funds requires very little effort and time to do. Once you set your investment goals and you have identified a Mutual Fund Provider, then all you need is to fund your investments regularly. You practically hire an expert fund manager to manage which stocks to buy and sell. (You will find on previous blogs the different Mutual Funds and how it works)
If you are making higher rate of return than the Mutual Funds, then do the investing directly on-line by yourself for this means you are beating the expert fund manager. If you want to make your investing easy, invest in Mutual Funds.
If you need any further assistance or help in either direct investing to stocks or into mutual funds, please feel free to contact me.
God bless!
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